Since September 2018
The Formado Comprido, since September 2018 -living in Australia- 40 years old and with more than half of his life training Capoeira, created this Group entering a new path in the capoeira.

The name used for this pourpose is "Grupo Capoeiras", as the initial name that he started using in Internet 20 years ago when he started his Capoeira research. Far away from create just another Capoeira group or break with the past, the intention is continue growing and share his own Capoeira beliefs and values.
In October 2018, just with 4 recent students, he founded the Grupo Capoeiras [INC1801443 - Incorporated Association] under the definition and pourpose: "To provide an opportunity for the people of all age to participate in Capoeira -Afro-Brazilian cultural practice- activities, specially people from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds as act with an unique body language".
The name used of "CAPOEIRAS" is the name that he have been always using on the Internet (for 20 years) in his continue research about capoeira.
Far from creating a more capoeira group or breaking with his past with the Contramestre Caveira, his intention is to continue growing as an individual and share his own beliefs and values instilled in capoeira with more and more people. Following the words of Mestre André Luis their need for associativism comes from the necessity of adding efforts to achieve a common goal.
To design the logo he used the sketch designed by a good friend and godson in capoeira "Apu", this design it is the beginning of something, a tiny step on a tumultuous road, and he starts it accompanied by almost unknown, far from his homeland, which does not make it easier.
Anyway, as he says: "accompanied by my heart for all those who have helped me grow as a capoeirista in the past".
In January 30, 2019 we convert our Association into a NFP.

Our social and community group is unique, creative and in a 'start up' or development phase. More then +50 families have passed over the classes. Check out the stats and don't miss the chance to meet us!